Show me the MONEY! VAWG

Jess Phillips MP and increasing Govt bigotry against all males. 

On June 25th 2024, the MP for Birmingham Yardley, Jess Phillips MP and the new Labour Parliamentary Under Secretary of State in the Home Office, gave an interview to Women’s Aid Chief Executive Officer Farah Nazeer about the urgent need for the government to tackle and prioritise violence against women. In the interview she stated, “that the rhetoric about our safety must be actually matched with action.”  

Phillips stated that there must and would be a “wholesale change across all government institutions as a priority.” 

And all this against a steadily decreasing backdrop of domestic abuse against women and girls. But hey, the gendered ideology needs to increase the ‘rhetoric’ to maintain the enormous government funding. Honesty does not pay, false allegations of domestic violence on a gendered basis is very lucrative! 

That interview was over a month ago. I felt so sickened by the grotesque bigotry directed against half of the population, especially young boys, demonstrated by Phillips that I couldn’t write about it for several weeks. 

The bigotry and cronyism on display here is truly mind boggling. Phillips was the Business Development Manager for The Women’s Aid Federation of England before she became an MP in 2015. She started off with Sandwell women’s aid. Women’s Aid and its innumerable acolytes are the established gateway agency into the UK family court system for so many. Their eagerness to lead, facilitate and promote false allegations (70% of DV allegations in family court are false) on a gendered basis against fathers is pivotal to obtaining legal aid since 2013 and court injunctions against fathers booting them from the family home and blocking them from seeing their children. Women’s Aid are the de-facto domestic violence provider for who knows how many councils and local authorities in the UK, particularly in Labour run areas, i.e. the poorest sections of society.  

Women’s Aid are unregulated and unaccountable from either the police or local authority where they operate. I obtained that from Brent Council in NW London, who eagerly support what I call child endangering gender discrimination by employing Women’s Aid as their official domestic violence service. Women’s Aid in constitution and practice will only help ‘female survivors of domestic abuse.’ I love their dramatic and gendered language. And Jess Phillips MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary at the Home Office, decides that the CEO of this totally bigoted, generously government funded, unregulated, unaccountable organisation is who she must have a video interview with regarding women’s and girls’ safety. Of course, no mention of the fact that perpetrators of domestic violence are approximately 50/50. Do not mention that more children are killed by their mums that their dads!!! DO NOT DISRUPT THE INCOME! Which Phillips was once responsible for. 



Crime Survey for England and Wales (CSEW) year ending March 2023, reports that ‘Domestic abuse prevalence has significantly decreased compared with year before the coronavirus (COVID – 19) Pandemic. Office of National Statistics (ONS). 

70% of allegations in the family court are false: 

Prof T Mackay (Education and Child Psychology, vol 31 no 3, British Psychological Society 2014) 

Domestic Violence Perpetrators by Gender: 

  • British Crime Survey Home Office Statistical Bulletins 2010/11 Published by ONS February 2012- Male victims are 35-50% of victims from female perp. 

More children killed by their mums than their dads: 

British Medical Journal review of 9,431 studies in 2017 into child homicides worldwide, it concluded that 54.7% of deaths were caused by mothers. 



YOU! Did the harm MR. DAD…and WE said so…..just because we can and no one will notice :-)


Lock up the “Terrorists”… oh I mean all the Men!