YOU! Did the harm MR. DAD…and WE said so…..just because we can and no one will notice :-)
Discrimination, Defamation, Dad & Child distress = Harm Report and Cafcass revised back door social engineering!
Have you read the Ministry of Justice Harms report of June 2020? And have you read the revisions to Cafcass Domestic Abuse Policy of October 9th, 2024? And have you read the notorious Practice Direction 12J, plus revisions?
If your answer is ‘no’ to all three, and you claim to be concerned about children’s welfare, then you are either naïve or a charlatan.
Cafcass are the family court social workers.
Assuming that you are naïve, I will educate you. If, however, you are a charlatan, even better. I like exposing the facilitators of child abuse, the posturing do-gooders, the ideological vested interests in keeping the UK at the bottom of international leagues for children’s welfare post-divorce or separation.
A few figures to whet your appetites: if you want references buy my book ‘The War On Dads & Children’ or read the truly excellently referenced book ‘An Exercise in Absolute Futility’ by Nick Langford.
50% of the over 60,000+ ‘contact’ orders made by the courts in 2002 were broken. 40% of fathers lost contact with their children within 2 years of being divorced.
‘A society that makes it almost impossible for men to stay in the lives of their children has no right to judge those who choose footlooseness and alienation rather than insanity and despair’, John Waters, the Irish writer wrote.
And now we get to the wonderfully named Harm report. First, its panel: Professors Trinder, Hunter and Burton were the Authors. The rest were panel members.
Professor Liz Trinder, University of Exeter
Professor Rosemary Hunter FAcSS, University of Kent
Professor Mandy Burton, University of Leicester
Mr Justice Stephen Cobb, Judiciary
Melissa Case & Nicola Hewer, Director of Family and Criminal Justice
Policy, MOJ (Chair)
District Judge Katherine Suh, Judiciary
Nicki Norman, Acting Co-Chief Executive, Women’s Aid
Dierdre Fottrell QC & Lorraine Cavanagh QC/KC (joint representatives), Association of Lawyers for Children
Isabelle Trowler, Chief Social Worker for England (Children & Families)
Eleri Butler, Chief Executive, Welsh Women’s Aid
Neil Blacklock, Development Director, Respect
And now it’s duties:
The call for evidence will specifically focus on the application of Practice Direction 12J, Practice Direction 3AA, The Family Procedure Rules Part 3A, and s.91(14) orders, and will build a more detailed understanding of any harm caused during or following proceedings in the family court.
Two men with vested interests and eleven women, depressingly typical representation of such panels.
Mr Justice Stephen Cobb has publicly stated that he does not believe in enforcement applications for the family court. He is also a former Trustee of Gingerbread, a single parent organisation that apparently does not believe in shared parenting post-divorce or separation.
Neil Blacklock is simply touting for business here. His organisation, Respect, is the sole family court accredited provider of training for domestic violence perpetrators or was until a year or so ago. It follows the totally discredited ‘Duluth Model’, emphatically stating that only males can be violent, and all women are forever victims. It does not accept that women can be guilty of domestic abuse or provide training for female perpetrators.
And now we get to the Women’s Aid representatives. From a Freedom of Information request via my MP some years ago, I elicited that Women’s Aid in constitution and practice will only help female survivors of domestic abuse!
I also established via the Metropolitan Police and my lovely child endangering local council, Brent, that neither the police nor the council have any control or
authority over Women’s Aid. Basically, Women’s Aid are the accredited domestic abuse provider in many areas, are unaccountable and unregulated by either the police, who eagerly host, promote and publicise them, or to the Council that so generously funds them. Male victims of DV who call these helplines are ‘screened’ to see if they are perpetrators of DV.
Female callers are exempt from being screened!
Perhaps I am an innocent, but I see identical behaviour patterns between Women’s Aid and the Ku Klux Klan.
The discriminatory similarity is this: the KKK hated black people, was embedded throughout the Southern States of the US institutions from 1860s until the 1970s and was totally bigoted in constitution and practice.
Women’s Aid hates men, especially fathers in my experience, is the embedded DV service provider in many areas of the UK and is totally bigoted in constitution and practice.
Why is the Ministry of Justice accepting evidence from two representatives of such a bigoted organisation that is unregulated and unaccountable!
Cafcass revisions following on from the Harms report include the following beauty:
10. Practitioners must not use language such as ‘claims or alleges’ when a person reports domestic abuse.
Basically, in England and Wales family court proceedings (Scotland has a different system) fathers are the new blacks of society, to be demonised, disparaged, vilified, abused, discriminated, removed from loving and caring for their children via quite often false allegations (70%) under a pretend veneer of bogus justice and sham legality as we see in the HARM panel and report which is so damaging to children’s welfare, while claiming to be concerned about them. Bear in mind that in the UK more children are killed by mothers than fathers (British Medical Journal, William Collins 332 child homicides). Domestic Abuse, according to the Office of National Statistics (ONS) is roughly 50/50, or 60/40 depending on year.
Domestic abuse rates are falling in the UK, according to the ONS and the Crime Survey for England and Wales.
Cafcass revisions mean that where there are allegations of DV in family court proceedings, Cafcass safeguarding letters and reports will smash many fathers hopes of a relationship with their children by presenting allegations of DV as ‘facts’.
Cafcass will use the horrible expression DARVO (deny, attack, and reverse victim offender) whenever a dad claims the mother was being violent towards him.
Discrimination works best when cloaked in the guise of concern!
Vincent McGovern
New Years Day 2025.