Brent VAWG 2021, A Festival of Bigotry?
Many people in the world of child welfare and shared parenting are well aware of the VAWG (Violence Against Women and Girls) policy, and very well-funded it is. For years it has been a crushing hammer against any hope of consensus or cross community bridge building which would address the serious issues facing all of society and especially children. For example, in September 2016 we discovered (Guardian Sep 7th 2016 Ally Fogg article) that the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) were ‘embellishing’ the figures in favour of VAWG by adding statistics where males were victims of female violence to the VAWG total. This of course meant that the stats looked worse than they actually were and would lead to yet more funding for VAWG!
Brent Council and myriad associates are of similar mindset in my experience. In November 2021 Brent announced 16 days of action led by VAWG specialists and Councillors. Also announced was their open meeting in Brent Civic Centre for Monday 29th addressing the ‘epidemic’ of crime against women and girls! Surprisingly there was no mention of the fact that more girls are being killed by their mothers than their fathers. And of course, no mention of the sad reality that men and boys are far more likely to be victims of violence than are women and girls. Bigotry must not be challenged or questioned.
I sent an email and 2-page attachment to the leader of the Council, Councillor Mohammed Butt expressing my concerns about this. I also presented other information about Brent’s DV agencies and them being unregulated and unaccountable by either Brent Council or the Police. To nobody’s surprise Councillor Butt’s response was the usual Brent denial of reality and yet another exercise in stonewalling. Please read the attachment and the ‘comprehensive’ response which I received. You decide if children and especially boys from one of the worst performing Borough’s in the Capital are being properly represented. I’m much too modest to hazard an opinion!
Attending Brent’s public VAWG event Monday November 29.
I managed to procure a ticket (free) to the said event. I remembered the brilliant film Blazing Saddles and especially the scene where the lead black actor, Cleavon Williams, disguised himself as a Klan (Ku Klax Klan) member by wearing the white hooded robe and attending a Klan event. Only to be exposed and having to flee when he was asked to sign a document as the skin colour of his hand was shall we say a ‘giveaway.’
Due to the South African Covid variant arriving in the UK the event became a Zoom meeting at the last moment. I attended the 2-hour event as it’s not everyday one gets to witness live bigotry in action. I was not disappointed!
There were around 20 agencies with their female only mindset and at the introduction we were told we must not say anything which could be construed as being anti-women or victim. The stage was set, one narrative only. Among the gems I heard from various councillors and VAWG specialists in attendance were:
1. Where women have been perpetrators that is because 70/80/90% have themselves been abused. That was said by Councillor Liz Dixon speaking about her decades of experience as a probation officer.
2. The police Det Superintendent Ray Keating stated the police have not been doing enough and are here to learn.
3. Education, education, education! This favourite battle cry of the ‘all men are perpetrators mindset’ suddenly became the chief topic. ‘The national curriculum most be modified so that children can understand about healthy relationships.’
4. Male pattern behaviour is the problem, men must change, men must be forced to change, women should be shuttled across bridges to protect them from male attackers when returning from work etc etc.
For the record I detest crime wherever it happens, and in particular crimes against children. Like all men I also abhor the few men who batter their women. However, this increasingly outdated notion of chivalry has long been hijacked and abused by gender vigilantes who seek total power by presenting women as helpless and forever being preyed upon by violent men.
Every form of totalitarianism and bigotry always has scapegoats for convenience. A brief read of history gives us many examples. And in modern Britain, the fools of men who pay most of the taxes are funding this unlimited bigotry at both their expense and especially that of their children. Society has to be inclusive and encompass all within. No good Brent forever shouting about ‘diversity and equality’ when it aggressively pursues gender discrimination and segregation. Society is one wellspring.
You cannot poison half a well!
Here is the email I sent to VAWG
Violence against Women and Girls event, Brent Civic Centre November 29th.
Dear Councillors and others.
I have been informed that the above event is taking place involving lead councillors, VAWG specialists and members of the public. I wish to express my horror at Brent yet again putting gender politics before children’s safety. My credentials re Brent are: two Ombudsman investigations, one being a Parliamentary Ombudsman with 100% findings in my favour against gendered malpractice by a Brent agency. I also in 2013 instigated a successful OFSTED investigation which found Brent’s children’s services ‘Inadequate.’
I present my concerns in tabular format for ease of reading.
1. Why are young boys who are half of all children deliberately left out?
2. Do the Councillors know that more children are being killed by mothers than fathers. Ref: Coroners reports and Serious Case reviews NSPCC library 2009/15.
3. During the 1960’s, Brent landlords used to have signs outside their properties stating No Blacks, Irish or Dogs. In the 21st century within Brents DV agencies we effectively have NO MEN OR BOYs, whether Black, White or Irish.
4. Currently Brent’s Domestic Violence charity Advance, heavily promotes it’s VAWG policy. Also, personal experience plus a FOI by myself and Barry Gardiner MP, established that in constitution and practice this charity/agency assists only female survivors of domestic abuse. It’s denial of such and website alteration appears as an exercise in budget protection.
5. Gender bigotry is endemic within Brent’s services and further evidenced by the above event. Has anyone ever heard the expression, Impartial Professionalism? No apology if I offend.
6. I have no doubt that the horrific double murder of the two innocent sisters Bilbaa Henry and Nicole Smallman in Brent will heavily feature. Both were murdered by a lunatic in league with the Devil for money. What mention will there be of the 16 year old schoolboy Drewkon Patterson? I mention him because far more men and boys are victims of violence than women and girls in London.
7. I also expect we will hear that 1 woman is killed every 3 days by a present or former male partner. Tragic in itself. Will we also hear about the approx. 900 dads per year who commit suicide because of malevolent mothers aided and abetted in thwarting contact between separated fathers and their children by agencies such as Advance/BDVAP/Women’s Aide! Will we hear how many men are killed directly by women! Perhaps we will hear how many children have been killed by a murderous mother in a Women’s Aide/Refuge building?
8. Are the Councillors aware that within Brent’s DV services and M.A.R.A.C (Multiple Agency Risk Assessment Conference) process, the agency receives and ‘assists’ females in ‘evidence’ embellishment, which is heard in secret, with only their ‘verdict’ being brought to the M.A.R.A.C Case Conference. This is then pivotal in making ex-parte applications to the family court for obtaining injunctions and ouster orders against fathers, 75% guilty only of gender.
9. As Advance and associates, BDVAP, Women’s Aide in Brent now ‘assist’ male victims of DV, does this include heterosexual men, and do they receive the same service as female attendees. Previously, their definition of men meant homosexual or LGBT males only.
10. 'We know that when England lose, domestic violence abuse rates increase by 38 per cent. When they win, this figure is 26pc.' This idiotic and totally false statement was made by Councillor Afzal in an article he wrote for the Kilburn Times August 12th, 2021 concerning football. He was demanding men change. I expect to hear more of the same on the 29th as that is the culture within Brent.
If a person enters Wembley Police station, there are numerous posters extolling the BDVAP/Advance/Women’s Aide work. The equivalent of a black man approaching the KKK for help with his civic discrimination. Ditto the Brent DV website. Do the Councillors know that though Brent pays huge sums to its Domestic Violence agency, neither they nor the Police are accountable or regulate it. I have double confirmation of this in writing. Does the Council also know that they don’t comply with Statutory Access Requests to the public! It is a totally unprofessional, unregulated and unaccountable agency.
I look forward to attending the above event on the 29th. After all, not since I witnessed a National Front march in Birmingham central in the late 70’s, have I had the opportunity to witness such bigotry in public.
What chance is there of Brent abandoning gendered bigotry and focusing on giving equal assistance to ALL members of the public, especially ALL children!
Vincent McGovern.
Here is the response
Butt, Councillor Muhammed <>
Sat 20/11/2021 14:45
Choudhary, Councillor Shafique;
Afzal, Councillor Ihtesham
Thank you for your email and for raising the concerns with in the attachment.
I can assure we do take all forms of harm and violence against anyone seriously.
All young people are absolutely a priority and we will work with our partners and stakeholders to make sure that everyone is given the care, support and attention they need.
You are right to highlight the fact that the two women were murders on the park and you will see that women are being supported in this campaign as this has been an issue that's been highlighted so prominently.
We will work to support everyone and will lead on campaigns time to time.